Living Moments EDITION N°6 • 2019 To guarantee that all of these services benefit our cli- ents as much as possible, our experienced »Quality Managers« work as competent, personal advisors and form a neutral link between our discerning clients and the tailored consultancy and property search on location on a regional basis in the federal states of Germany, in close cooperation with our selected local partners. We are the first specialised real estate portal with its own property and lifestyle TV channel (“Video Lifestyle Magazine”), with various emotive prop- erty films, unique “Virtual tours”, as well as prod- uct and image films from our selected partners. With this innovation, Luxus Liegenschaften has re- sponded to the changing information consumption behaviour of many users, who now increasingly find information and are inspired to make a purchase by high-quality and emotive product and concept films. Without exception, we still work with discerning cli- entele, both interested parties and sellers and inves- tors in the premium segment, who value professional and discrete support by the leading businesses and consultants on the market. We have many years of in- depth knowledge of the individual, operational pro- cess and communication channels, as well as knowl- edge of the special needs of the partners, clients and sellers/developers involved. This forms the basis for specifically serving a constantly growing buyers’ mar- ket in the premium segment and, above all, meeting demand with measurable quality, competence and sustainability. We look forward to your visit, and your interest in purchasing our high-quality properties, or working together with you as an individual on the sale of your premium property or concept marketing for your de- veloper project, at We also welcome your feedback at: Das exklusive Immobilienportal für Wohnästheten und Immobilienprofis Frank Vongehr Vertriebs- und Partnermanagement Distribution- and Partnermanagement Mobile: + 49 (0) 173 206 74 50 Phone: + 49 (0) 2401 969 69 34 Mag. Sabine Gschwentner Marketing Director Customer Relation Management Mobile: + 49 (0) 173 543 58 46 Klaus-Rainer Fabi GF/Gründer/Inhaber CEO/Founder/Owner Mobile: + 49 (0) 173 752 62 30 LUXUS LIEGENSCHAFTEN LLMC GMBH Franz-Reisch-Str. 11 6370 Kitzbühel/Tirol – Österreich Phone Headoffice: +43 (0) 5356 719 04 E-Mail: IhRE anSPREChPaRtnER: YOUR CONTACT PERSONS: 163
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