INTERIOR, is on site a lot herself, and knows what is required. A team of project managers and staff at the company’s three locations is optimally trained for project work and for taking care of private clients. They have their finger on the pulse of the latest trends. In the private sphere, the company works with its own interior design de- partment. If required, the team can provide support for all stages, from the first meeting to decorating the new property. Thorough knowledge of products, an infallible feel for trends and a high degree of sensitivity in in- dividual project work. These are the ingredients the company uses in its secret recipe for creating the ultimate feel-good atmosphere! home INTERIOR has been writing a success story. “We started off in home textiles. Our development since then has been rapid,” says Monika Kruselburger. The business segment and the geographical radius have been gradually expanded. To- day, the company handles projects in the entire international alpine region and beyond from its location in Mils. Planung Designkompetenz und Produkt-Know-how sind die Basis für einen individuellen Planungsprozess. home INTERIOR hat langjährige Kooperationen mit externen Partnern aus den unterschiedlichsten Handwerken aufgebaut. Bei Bedarf kann man auf ein Netzwerk kompetenter Partner zurückgreifen. Planning Design expertise and product know-how form the basis for a highly personalised planning process. home INTERIOR has established long-term co-operations with ex- ternal partners from a range of different trades. If required, they will draw on a net- work of competent partners for you. Stoffe | Möbel | Böden | Leuchten | Wohnaccessoires | Beratung | Planung | Einrichtung Flagshipstore Mils Gewerbepark Süd 1, 6068 Mils Phone: +43 (0) 5223 / 54 770 Boutiquen Kaufhaus Tyrol | Innsbruck DEZ | Innsbruck Foto: fine HOME INTERIOR Living Moments 117