HOME INTERIOR Foto Mastersuite: Jagdhof Röhrnbach / Foto Interieur: fine 116 If people make a conscious decision to live in the mountains, they want it to be reflected in their living space. The key requirement for designing a superior living environment in the Alpine Region is therefore to combine the ultimate luxury with a reserved, alpine style. On the one hand, people want to be authentic. They want to show they are real and genuine, with the focus on family life and hospitality. On the other hand, they don’t really want to do without the luxury they’re used to. home INTERIOR has been enjoying success in this niche for many years. The proof is in the many exception- al projects and interior design con- cepts. Some impressions of the most stunning reference projects can be seen at “Today it’s all about simplicity and genuineness. All of the details make the connection with Tyrol. However, it mustn’t ever look forced.” Monika Kruselburger, CEO at home Handwerk Außergewöhnliches entsteht, wenn man sich mehr anstrengt als andere – eine der Devisen von home INTERIOR. Grund genug für zwei Werk- stätten im Haus, wo besondere Wünsche erfüllt werden: Vorhänge, Kissen und Decken nach Maß, Fauteuils, Stühle und Sofas mit dem perfekten Stoff und vieles mehr. Craftsmanship The extraordinary happens when you make that extra effort – this is one of home INTERIOR’s mottos. Reason enough for them to have two in-house workshops where special wishes are fulfilled; made-to-measure curtains, cushions and blankets, armchairs, chairs and sofas with perfectly upholstered materials and much more. Living Moments
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