Living Moments - N°4 Edition 2017

27 Wer hätte das gedacht? Der Hühnerstall von Ettore Bugatti Bugatti ärgerte sich über den wieder gestiegenen Preis der Eier und entschied sich für eine eigene Hühnerzucht. Dabei ließ er es nicht bewenden, er konstruierte auch gleich ei- nen Stall auf Rädern für das Federvieh. Der Esel Totosche Ettore bekam den Esel anlässlich des Targa-Florio-Sieges von Graf Florio geschenkt. Das Tier lief frei auf dem Firmen- gelände herum. Die Manieren der Königshäuser Ettore verkaufte einem König aufgrund seiner schlechten Tischmanieren keines seiner Autos. Die schlechten Bremsen Ein Kunde beschwerte sich persönlich bei Ettore Bugatti über die angeblich so schlechten Bremsen. Dieser ant- wortete darauf in einem etwas ironischen Brief, dass sei- ne Fahrzeuge zum Fahren gemacht seien und nicht zum Bremsen. Chirurgisches Besteck Bugatti entwickelte für einen guten Freund, der Professor im Krankenhaus von Straßburg war, chirurgisches Besteck, das bis heute noch so genutzt und gekauft werden kann. Who would have thought it? Ettore Bugatti’s henhouse When the price of eggs went up again, Bugatti was annoyed and decided to raise his own chicken. And he did not let the matter rest – he immediately built a henhouse on wheels for the birds. Totosche the donkey Ettore was given this donkey as a gift by Count Florio after Bugatti won the Targa Florio. The animal roamed the com- pany grounds freely. Bugatti and royal manners Ettore refused to sell a king any of his cars due to his poor table manners. Bad brakes One customer personally complained to Ettore Bugatti, claiming that the brakes in his race car were of poor qual- ity. In a rather ironic letter, Bugatti replied that his cars were made for driving and not for braking. Surgical instruments Ettore Bugatti developed surgical instruments for a good friend who was a professor at the hospital in Strasbourg. These instruments can be used to this day, and are still available for purchase. Technique: the definition of new standards Ettore’s true genius manifested itself in the foun- dation of the racing tradition which had its be- ginnings in his lifetime. Automobiles built under his name were the embodiment of the most modern technology, mechanical refinement and dominating success in themotor sport of the 1920s. The World of Bugatti Molsheim is the home of the Bugatti family, the birthplace of the brand and the modern head- quarters of the company. Located in France – in the heart of Alsace – Molsheim is where Bugatti’s long history of success began in 1909 when it started making cars that caused an absolute sen- sation. Château St. Jean was certainly a unique location for a car factory.The picturesque grounds with free-roaming deer look like the backdrop for a film in which the distant past has been brought back to life. Nowadays, the château houses a museum, an exhibition of the brand’s history, an orangery, as well as service facilities in the former equestrian stable. The factory, known as the Atelier, is the only modern building on the grounds. Essentially, the factory looks more like an artist’s Atelier. This is where our master craftspeople assemble each Chiron by hand. They work with a precision and attention to detail normally associated with master jewellers or watchmakers.When it comes to superlative auto- motive craftsmanship, nowhere can rival the Bugatti Atelier. Charisma beyond the automotive world Following the establishment of Bugatti as the symbol of art, design and a special lifestyle, Bugatti launched the Ettore Bugatti Lifestyle Collection in 2013 which reflected the DNA of the marque. In only three locations worldwide a smile is brought to the faces of potential custo- mers by, not only a showroom, but also by a Bugatti Lifestyle Boutique: in Tokyo, Monaco and Munich. Incidentally, there is now a Bugatti- Yacht, a collaboration with the maker of the largest carbon-motor-yacht in the world. Palmer Johnson’s new super sports queen of the waves bears the name, Niniette. The luxury yacht is available in three sizes and starts at a price of two million Euros. By the way, to get back to the supercars, besides the workshop in Molsheim there is a team of very special personnel who take care of the maintenance and value retenti- on of the cars. They are called “The Flying Doc- tors”. And now guess how customer service will come to you … 7TaTYR 8ZXPY_^ Text: B. Eichhammer,· Fotos: Bugatti