Living Moments - N°3 Edition 2015/16 7TaTYR 8ZXPY_^ 77 advertisement an increasing number of private inves- tors is acquiring real estate as income property. Proper diversification in a variety of invest- ment classes is vital for investing assets successfully. Just like business owners who spread their business activities across different areas and markets to avoid being disproportionately dependent on one specific area of business, private in- vestors should also diversify their invest- ments across different currencies, sectors, regions and instruments, and combine these investments skillfully. This is the only way to achieve satisfying returns in the long-run while at the same time reducing risk. Every client is different This is, however, often easier said than done. In light of the increasingly com- plex developments in financial markets, it is becoming more and more difficult for private investors to understand the Looking toward the future Investors should aim to build the most robust portfolio possible that will also deliver long-term success. Because fu- ture developments are never certain, LGT experts work using so-called scenario analysis. This method helps to construct a portfolio in such a way as to ensure it is well-positioned for a variety of future economic or market developments. In concrete terms, together with internal and external specialists, the experts at LGT develop a variety of plausible scena- rios for fundamental economic, political and social developments, ascertain their impact on financial markets and invest- ment classes, and on this basis, formula- te long-term investment strategies that they then apply to portfolios. Invest like the Prince The majority of the Princely Family of Liechtenstein’s assets invested in the Princely Strategy are managed using this method. The Princely House provides LGT has been fully-owned by the Princely House for over 80 years, and is managed together with members of the Princely House. Die LGT finanziert in Österreich Immobilien in den besten Lagen in Wien und an re- nommierten Standorten wie Salzburg oder Kitzbühel. Finanziert wird die Immobilie auf Basis der LGT Private Banking Hypothek – einer Finanzierungslösung, die ganz auf die persönlichen Bedürfnisse des Kunden abge- stimmt ist. Der Kunde profitiert dabei von attraktiven Zinssätzen sowie einer transpa- renten und flexiblen Zinsbindung. Die LGT Private Banking Hypothek ist Teil des um- fassenden Beratungsansatzes der LGT. In Austria, LGT provides real estate finan- cing in the best locations in Vienna and in prestigious locations such as Salzburg or Kitzbuehel. These properties are financed using LGT Private Banking Mortgage – a fi- nancing solution that is fully tailored to the individual needs of the client.The client thus benefits from attractive interest rates as well as transparent and flexible mortgage terms. LGT Private Banking Mortgage is part of LGT’s comprehensive investment approach. Immobilienfinanzierung Real estate financing LGT Bank AG Herrengasse 12 FL-9490 Vaduz economic interrelationships and depen- dencies in the markets, and to invest their money accordingly in a way that preserves value, or even better, generates profit. Ideally, it is here that a trusted bank advisor comes into play. “Our job is to find out together with the client how to invest and manage the assets in the best possible way”, says Roland Strub, Relationship Manager at LGT Bank. “This is different for every client, because it’s about their individual needs, their level of risk-aversion and ability to take risk, their investment expertise and financial objectives.”Once these criteria have been identified, LGT client advisors, together with specialists and in close consultation with the client, develop an individually tailored investment solution. clients and employees the possibility of investing in the same strategy. This form of co-investing gives clients the securi- ty that their interests and those of the bank’s owners are aligned. At the latest since the financial crisis, the importance of security and stability have become in- creasingly important to investors. “LGT has been fully-owned by the Princely House for over 80 years, and is managed together with members of the Princely House”, says Roland Strub. “This unique constellation gives our clients the certainty that the decisions and strategies defined today aren’t already obsolete tomorrow – that creates trust.” And trusting your bank and advisor is not only important for real estate transactions, it is also crucial in personal financial matters.