Living Moments - N°2 Edition 2014
:K\ VKRXOG D FRXSOH EX\ D GLDPRQG HQJDJHPHQW ULQJ DW 7LIIDQ\ &R " People come to Tiffany & Co. to celebrate the most important events of their lives and there is no event more important than an engagement. Tiffany diamonds are considered to be the dia- monds of the highest quality in world and give couples great assurance that the Tiffany diamond engagement ring they select is of the highest quality, no matter which design they choose. $UH WKHUH GHVLJQV RWKHU WKDQ WKH FODVVLF HQJDJHPHQW ULQJV DYDLODEOH DW 7LIIDQ\ &R " Of course, Tiffany offers a wonderful variety of non-traditional rings. Among themare three-stone diamond rings; fancy-shaped diamond rings which include emerald, drop or heart-shaped stones, as well as oval and marquise; and nature-inspired rings by Jean Schlumberger. &DQ DQ HQJDJHPHQW ULQJ IHDWXUH FRORXUHG VWRQHV" Adding colour to an engagement ring is a wonder- ful way tomake a ring stand out.Tiffany & Co. has rings that feature exquisite yellow diamonds, for example, as well as sapphires or emeralds. +RZ GR \RX JR DERXW FKRRVLQJ D ZHGGLQJ EDQG" A wedding band should enhance the beauty of an engagement ring. At the same time, the band must have the character and design integrity to exist on its own. 'RHV 7LIIDQ\ SURYLGH DQ HQJUDYLQJ RSWLRQ" Tiffany offers customised hand engraving for en- gagement rings and wedding bands. +RZ DUH 7LIIDQ\ GLDPRQGV DQG PHWDOV REWDLQHG" Tiffany is committed to obtaining precious me- tals and gems in ways that are socially and envi- ronmentally responsible. For this reason, Tiffany has allied with other companies of the jewellery industry, as well as non-governmental organisa- tions to maximise their influence throughout the supply chain. Tiffany has also established a program for Social Accountability Program that includes guidelines to ensure that vendors and suppliers are held to the same exacting standards that Tiffany is proud to uphold. +RZ FDQ D FXVWRPHU EH VXUH WKH\ DUH QRW SXUFKDVLQJ D FRQIOLFW GLDPRQG" Tiffany has a zero tolerance policy towards conflict diamonds. Tiffany purchases diamonds only in those countries that are full participants in the Kimperly Process Certification Scheme, an International monitoring system created to eliminate the flow of “conflict diamonds”. Tiffany & Co. customers can be confident that a diamond from Tiffany is a high-quality stone from a legiti- mate and socially responsible source. Tiffany & Co.,T&Co.undTiffany sindMarkenvonTiffany and Company. In order to ensure exclusiveness, the production is limited to 375 items. 113 Tiffany & Co. MonikaWiltschnigg, Director Kohlmarkt 8-10 A-1010Wien Telefon: +43 1 535 39 50 advertisement
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