Living Moments - N°1 Edition 2013

W e lcome to Diamonds o f Real Estate – the internationall y -operating core competenc y department o f the Priv a te Residences – Luxur y Real E s tate Group which specialises in the pro- fessional conceptual marketing o f e x ceptional European properties in the ultra, luxur y and absolute hi g h-priced sector . Our “ D iamonds” are absolutel y e x ceptional properties in their individualism, beaut y and appearance and the y stand out considerabl y f r om the mass o f so-c a lled lu x ur y pr op erties.W i th their uniqueness the y give their owner s a ver y per s onal char a cter o f i n d i v id ual is m , as w e l l as c o m fo r t and gl a mor o us under s tatement , creating the ultimate in the Eur o pean elite o f selected luxur y pr o perties. W e meet the hi g h demand f o r special attention, hi g h-end communication and international marketing know how within this new special department with a c ompletely innov a tive over all concept and a special commitment to the active and worldwide search f o r a suitable bu y er f o r our “ D iamonds”, b y the use o f hi g h-qualit y, moder n media and a dir e ct ap p r o ach to potential tar g et clientele. E xp erience a ver y special philosoph y and v a lue in the handling o f e x ceptional international properties which speak f o r themselves , and which let not onl y dreams come true with their own per fe ction, but also e x ercise an incompar - able f a scination and attraction. I f you own such an absolutel y e x ceptional propert y and would like to sell it solel y thr o ugh a f u ll y pr ofe s- sional partner with an international sphere o f in fl uence and speci fi c know how , we cordiall y invite you to register f o r the e x clusive section o f our “ D iamonds o f Real E s tate.” As a serious pr ospec tive customer or c onnoisseur you will gain per s onal access her e to some o f our di s cr e tel y marketed Diamond properties , as well as to con fi dential in fo rmation on our conceptual appr oach, where you will be able to get an idea o f the options f o r a tar g et-aimed and trust- worth y cooperation. W e look f o rward to getting to know you! 7TaTYR 8ZXPY_^ 85 www .diamonds-o f - r